4 lut 2009

RAKi i różne różności :))

Tym razem przedstawiam moje prace "zmiksowane" z różnych zestawów :)

RAK dla Kasi (kasia4321)

credits: Dilo arlequin , Kafrounette arlequin, Glitters ByDigiscrap.ch, "Valentine's day" by SM Kalina Design, "Live Laugh Love" by Createwings Designs, "Wedding" by Lily Design , photo by Violett

RAK dla Ani (ania_725)

credits: Dilo arlequin élément , Dilo arlequin papier, kafrounette_élément ( http://le-digiscrap-de-marie.over-blog.com/ )
WA by Natali Designs, Glitters ByDigiscrap.ch, photo by Ania

RAK dla Etrali

credits: MissErinsScraps_GAT, WA by Natali Design, photo by Etrala.

I reszta to już dla mnie :)

credits: Bel Vidotti Scrap ~ Sunny Day, photos by me.

credits: MissErinsScraps_GAT, doniar_pragnienie _wiosny, photos by me.

credits: "Love Is Everywhere" by Charlott Design, "Used To Love U" by B.M.W.Designs, photo by me.

credits: "Al You Need Is Love" by Natali Design, "Arlequin" by Kafrounette, "Happy Day" by Natali Design, "I Bit A Pillow" by Dreamer's Magic Design, photo by me.

credits: "Used To Love U" B.M.W. Designs, "All You Need Is Love" by Natali Design, "Valentine's Day" by SM Kalina Design, photo by me.

credits: "Used To Love U" B.M.W. Designs, "Valentine's Day" by SM Kalina Design, "Love Is Everywhere" by Charlott Design, "All You Need Is Love" by Natali Design, photo by me.

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